Loeb S, Bruinsma SM, Nicholson J, Briganti A, Pickles T, Kakehi Y, Carlsson SV, Roobol MJ.
“Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review of Clinicopathologic Variables and Biomarkers for Risk Stratification.”
European Urology 2014 Oct epub. PMID: 25457014.
Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25457014
This systematic review examined the utility of markers, genetic factors and risk stratification for active surveillance. The patient factors associated with active surveillance outcomes in some studies include age, race, and family history. Multiple studies provide consistent evidence that a lower percentage of free PSA, a higher Prostate Health Index (PHI), a higher PSA density (PSAD), and greater biopsy core involvement at baseline predict a greater risk of progression. During follow-up, serial measurements of PHI and PSAD, as well as repeat biopsy results, predict later biopsy progression. No conclusive data support the use of genetic tests in active surveillance.